Stephanie Hamilton


Stephanie is a graduate student at the University of Michigan.

She uses the Dark Energy Survey to study….not dark energy. Actually, she’s salvaging the non-galaxy foreground “trash” in DES images (she prefers to think of it as “treasure” :D ) and discovering new objects in the distant solar system!




We asked Stephanie a few more questions, here’s what she had to say…

If you weren’t a scientist, what would your dream job be?

Hmm, that’s a hard one, since I’ve wanted to be a scientist since age 10….is “professional traveler” an occupation, because I’d totally be up for getting paid to travel the world!

Any advice for aspiring scientists?

Follow your heart and do what you love! I know it sounds cheesy and obvious, but I am someone who didn’t do that at first. Since I started focusing on doing what I love (astronomy research, outreach, and communicating science with the public) I have been WAY happier!