Our year 6 cosmology analysis of galaxy clustering and gravitational lensing is a massive effort from more than two hundred scientists.
There will be over 20 interconnected papers in all. The first set of four supporting papers are now released: 1) The DES Y6 object catalog (Y6 Gold); 2) the shape/shear catalog (Y6 Shear); 3) details of how the DES Point Spread Function was modeled (Y6 PSF) and 4) an analysis of simulated object injection and recovery to characterize the survey’s completeness limit and transfer function between input and measured quantities (Y6 Balrog). All these papers are used extensively by the forthcoming science cosmology papers from DES.
Y6 Gold: https://arxiv.org/abs/2501.05739
DES Y6 Gold is a curated data set derived from DES Data Release 2 (DR2) that incorporates improved measurement, photometric calibration, object classification and value added information. Y6 Gold comprises nearly 5000 deg2 of grizY imaging in the south Galactic cap and includes 669 million objects with a depth of iAB∼23.4 mag at S/N ∼10 for extended objects and a top-of-the-atmosphere photometric uniformity <2 mmag.
Y6 Shear: https://arxiv.org/abs/2501.05665
We present the Metadetection weak lensing galaxy shape catalogue from the six-year Dark Energy Survey (DES Y6) imaging data.
Y6 PSF: https://arxiv.org/abs/2501.05781
We present the point-spread function (PSF) modeling for weak lensing shear measurement using the full six years of the Dark Energy Survey (DES Y6) data.
Y6 Balrog: https://arxiv.org/abs/2501.05683
We present here a source injection catalog of 146 million injections spanning the entire 5000 deg2 DES footprint, generated using the Balrog SSI pipeline.
We’ve released some of the Y6 Cosmology data products on this page: https://des.ncsa.illinois.edu/releases/y6a2/
For questions, you can email lead authors, or thedarkenergysurvey@gmail.com.
For a public-level overview of some of these papers, check out the the Darchives.