Dragan Huterer




Dragan is a Professor at the University of Michigan.

He works on cosmological analysis with connection to theory.









We asked Dragan a few more questions, here’s what he had to say…

When did you know you wanted to be a scientist?

High school. I had a charismatic physics teacher, and read a few articles (one on inflation in a science magazine called “Galaksija”) which I found absolutely fascinating.

Do you have kids? Do they want to be scientists too?

Two kids, ages 2 and 5. I of course secretly hope they will be scientists (!) but I am trying to only gently point them in that direction.

Any advice for aspiring scientists?

Do what you love. If that’s physics, the really nice bonus is that, with physics/astro background, you will be able to find a very good and interesting job whether you end up in the “real world” or in academia.

Any other fun fact about yourself that you’d like to share with our public audience.

Big fan of (professional) basketball. Favorite old-school player: Drazen Petrovic.