Survey Strategy



*** Wide and Time Domain surveys

The DES uses four separate techniques to measure dark energy

parameters, each of which makes different demands on the data. For

three of the four probes, a uniform survey of a large area of the sky

can meet these demands. For example, the weak lensing probe requires

shape measurements on as many galaxies as possible, and the

large-scale structure probe requires identification of galaxies on a

large, contiguous volume of sky. Images covering a wide area of sky

with good image quality can provide both of these.

On the other hand, the supernova probe need to measure the brightness

of supernovae at many points in time: the supernava probe

requires a time-domian survey, which repeats observations of a small

area of sky at regular intervals. The variation in the light from the

supernova in that field can then be measured.

The DES therefore consists of two separate data sets: a wide survey

and a time-domain survey. The wide survey covers a large, contiguous

area of sky, each part of which is only observed a few times over the

course of the survey. The time-domain survey covers only a small area

on the sky, but exposures are repeated a large number of times at

regular intervals over the course of the survey.

Two factors determine which survey the telescope works on at any given

time: the atmospheric conditions and the time since the previous

time-domain observations. The wide-survey is being used for

weak-lensing measurements, and exposures taken under conditions which

are acceptable for the supernova probe may be of little use for

weak-lensing measurements. Therefore, observing time with less than

ideal conditions is used primarily for time-domain exposures.

The supernove survey requires measurements of the brightness of

supernova at regular intervals, without gaps in time between

successive measurements. Therefore, if a portion of the time-domain

survey has not been observed within the past week, then observing time

will be used to obtain the needed exposures.

*** The wide-survey footprint

The dark energy science programs use images from DECam to make

catalogs of galaxies. The DES is scheduled enough time to survey

roughly one eighth of the entire sky, and not all parts of the sky are

equally useful for these measurements: the choice of which area of sky

to survey must be made carefully.

When the telecope is pointing near the Milky Way, the galaxies we are

trying to catalog are obscured by stars and dust within our own

galaxy: area far from the Milky Way is more valuable for dark energy


There are also advantages to collecting data on the areas of sky that

have already been observed by complementary instruments. For example,

the South Pole Telescope is making a map of the sky in microwaves,

which is useful for measuring the masses of galaxy clusters. By

combining DES catalogs of galaxies with catalogs of galaxy clusters

measured by the SPT, science not possible with either instrument alone

becomes possible.

Several of these complementary data sets are located along the

celestial equator, parts of the sky that pass directly overhead of

someone standing at the equator. Observatories at different latitudes

are better positioned to observe different parts of the sky. Cerro

Tololo is in the southern hemisphere, so it can see the southern sky

well, but much of the northern sky (closer to Polaris) cannot be seen

at all. In contrast, observatories in the northern hemisphere cannot

see the southern sky well. Surveys of area along the equator, however,

are visible from observaties in both hemispheres, so it is the only

possible location for projects in which data from instruments in both

hemispheres need to be combined.

These different requirements result in the irregular shape of the DES

footprint: there are rectangular regions along the equator, another

region covering an area further south (observed by the South Pole

Telescope), connected to each other by an area optimal for observing

from Cerro Tololo, all bounded by the edges of the Milky Way.

*** obstac

While observing, many factors influence which exposure needs to be

taken when. Different exposures can be taken under different

conditions, and at different times in the night or times of

year. Areas of the sky which have been completed should not be done

again, while areas of the sky which have not already been attempted,

or completed under poor condition, need to be taken again. While

observing, the DES takes a new image every roughtly two minutes. To

avoid wasting time, the time between the end of one exposure and the

beginning of the next must be kept to a minimum, and it is not

practical for human observers to perform all of the bookkeeping and

conditions necessary over the course of each night: efficient

operations requires automation of the selection and execution of

science observations during the night.

The observing tactician software, obstac, automates exposure

selection, takeing into account the many factors that need to

influence the choice of exposure: the time and date, the weather

conditions, the phase and location of the moon, and records of what

has been completed, and what remains to be completed. When observing,

the DES astronomers just need to get the observing system set up, and

then turn on obstac; obstac takes care of choosing exposures though

the night.